5 min to finish reading my post, 5 min for you to think about it and 2 min to start planning your healthy lifestyle
Found some interesting facts from the experts...
Laughing out loud prolong life about 1.7 to 8 years. I guess is true... source --> http://www.helium.com/items/370089-how-to-keep-your-youth
Take a look in this website...some interesting studies from this professor.
Quoted from there " So, how old you actually are? How many times have you noticed that your school friends, college friends etc. look differently? While one of them looks 25, the other still unsuccessfully tries to prove shes not fifty. And you know that theyre of the same age... This is where biological (or true) age"comes to the stage. Biological age shows how worn out your body actually is, not that tiny number in your passport. "
According to Professor Michael Roysen, day-to-day lifestyle plays a significant role on the mechanism of human aging. If your friend looks like shes 20 when shes actually 40, it means that shes pursuing a healthy lifestyle. Dont get upset though, as nothing is impossible: you may start fighting your aging right now, and all you have to do is take a specialists piece of advice. So, here it is:
-Regular consumption of tomatoes (tomato sauces, roasted tomatoes) subtracts 1.9 from the current age of men and 0.8 years from the age of women, making them look more youthful.
-Daily consumption of aspirin pills subtracts 2.2 years.
-Regular (daily) quality sex with the same partner subtracts 2-8 years.
Subtracts here means IF you are 40 years old(current), and you have sex daily will subtract 2-8 years from your current age. not encouraging frequent sex with different people... =)
"Good night sleep 7 hours for women, 8 hours for men, adds astronomical 3 to 12 years to your estimate lifetime." Agreed-Ryan
Last but not least
Interesting fact too....(for men)
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